Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Haze haze, go away.

As if the hot weather and dry spell wasn't bad enough, the haze is back. They say it's at a moderate level of 54? Oh really? Did you pple look out of the window? It's smoking grey! And I wish smokers won't add on to the smoke!

This month, my minor seizures have been very good. I ate carefully, slept as much as I needed, controlled my temper. And this noon, my colleagues wanted to go to a hawker center, which was about 10 mins walk from our office. In the blazing hot sun. I had 2 minor seizures, thank you very much. And 1 more in the evening. Not the serious minor ones, just really mild ones where I suddenly stare into space or drop something, and then wonder what I'm doing for the next few seconds. Ok fine. They sound serious enough. But thank God it wasn't a grand mal.

It's only Tues. Work today wasn't too bad. We had a new list to call. I still get rejected calls but somehow, the list of people I'm calling are way nicer. Thank God for that.

I still am contemplating when do I want to resign. Mom has given me the OK to resign first and find a job after. Cos our thinking is, at least if I tell any recruitment agents that I already tendered, I get a higher chance of scoring interviews.

But I can't bear to do it! My boss is still, rather nice to me! And it's not like I desperately need to go right?

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