Friday, May 30, 2014

I'm an official professional bum

Yst marked one week of me being jobless. So what have I been up to? 

I stocked up on breakfast items via Redmart (lazy me), spent Mon to Wed waking up late, having breakfast, going back to sleep, and decided to meet a long time friend in the early evening for a drink on Tues. Wed evening, I thought I'll make dinner, with the Emperor chicken herbal mix I bought. End up, my mum did most of the cooking. :P 

Then Thurs, I decided to grab my meds at the hospital, which was so far away from home, that I decided that I wanted to cab there and back home. I helped out with dinner too, but went back to my room to laze after getting tired of waiting for the food to cook. 

Today. Fri. I downloaded a new Sims 3 house, because try as I might, I can't build a swimmable pond. Finally found one with a lovely swimmable pond, though rather small, built a resort, and decided to use the lemon cake mix to bake a cake, since my mum has been asking when will I bake it. 

It's actually in the microwave instead of the oven, because I'm that lazy to renove the stuff from the oven, and I better make sure I remember to check on it. 

Had a minor seizure just now in the stuffy kitchen, and for awhile I forgot how to open the microwave. Lol! 

Being jobless sure is relaxing, yet boring. 

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Officially jobless


I've never been so happy to leave a job before. 

Though the colleagues are nice, I was never truly happy and satisfied. I kept comparing everything to my previous workplace, and even grumbled that I was still being made to work, even on my last day, whereas back at my old co, I was running around the premises taking pics with celebrities on my last day. 

Guess money doesn't buy happiness. 

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Singaporeans are.....

Super rude.

Firstly, I have tendered my resignation and next Thurs will be my last day in this shitty place. Thank God for that.

Now back to the topic. :P

Why do I say Singaporeans are super rude? Because after having to deal with so many of them via email and on the phone, I realise that they have forgotten how to be polite to a fellow human being.

In fact, they are so rude, demanding and think they are above all others, that I rather deal with corpses in a mortuary.

Here's a list of examples of rude people:

1) You DO NOT TYPE IN CAPS in your email, and please start off your email with a 'Dear Pam Elanessa', instead of a 'Pam Elanessa'. Like hello, who do you think you are? Yes, I did not pick up your calls, but that's because I'm a telemarketer, which is what I said so when I finally decided to call the rude moron back. This woman bombed my phone, when I'm trying to hit my call volume, when there is clearly an email she can send her enquiries to. When I called her, she was pissed. But I'm not the sort to apologise when it's not my fault. I told her straightforwardly: "Madam. I am a telemarketer. I have to hit my call targets. If you can't get me on the phone, just email me and I'll reply. Isn't that even faster? And also. You aren't the only customer account I have to attend to. I have hundreds of accounts to attend to." When she refused to back down and demanded for a business mobile number, I shot her back again: "Madam, like I JUST said. I'm just a telemarketer. How would I have a business mobile number?" She finally decided to shut up.

2) You DO NOT TYPE IN CAPS AND USE RED FONTS, AND LABEL MY CUSTOMER SERVICE CENTRE COLLEAGUES AS INCOMPETENT JUST BECAUSE THEY MADE A SLIGHT ERROR. This is utterly rude. Yes, maybe their error cost you some business. Maybe it cost your item to be lost somewhere in the South China Sea. But if you want people to go the extra mile to assist you, I think you should play a part to be polite first. When I saw this email, I honestly wanted to just hit the 'Delete' button. Such rudeness! It shows the maturity level of him too. Thank God for this customer, I didn't have to make a courtesy call to him. Honestly, my company likes to play the Taichi game, so I'm glad I'm leaving this place.

3) You never use threats. I received another email, stating that if we still didn't update our records to change the person in charge's name, "this is my final email if you want a prompt payment". Well, seriously, then go change service companies. Don't behave like our company's survival depends on your sole bloody business alone.

4) Some go "Pam Elanessa, I tried calling many times but seems like no one wants to pick up the phone." Like I said, I am a bloody telemarketer, dammit! And what's with the big fonts? And when I return their call when I am finally free, (or to put it now, I return their calls when I feel like doing so), they behave like I owe them. They expect me to be like a walking encyclopedia, they expect me to know the answer to every single answer they throw at me, until I have to remind them I am just THE BLOODY TELEMARKETER. And they still have the cheek to insist on a reply to their enquiries asap. What, you think I only have to handle your shitty just-start-up-don't-know-will-it-last-business only?

Sometimes, I think. I can't blame them totally, because this company is known for being not very efficient to begin with. But that does not warrant rudeness too. When you call us up, are we rude to you? Don't say it's my job to be polite to you. I can be rude to you too, especially if you started it first.

This reminds me of an incident in my retail days. I was promoting skincare, handling a boutique alone. A New Zealander came in, and for the next 1/2 hour, made me explain to him the ingredients of various items, the difference between this and that, and convert almost everything into US dollars. It's fine with me if he had said: "Ok thanks, I'll consider." But the rude cocky caucasian had to go: "You're just doing all these because you want my business right?" I looked at him in the eye and retorted back: "I don't need your business to begin with." The look on his face was pricesless. Oh yes, I was prepared for him to demand to see the manager to lodge a complain. He stammered: "Wow... I insulted you but you insulted me back..." I just stared at him. He finally broke the awkward (for him) silence and went... "Ok, I'll take this take that, etc etc etc". I remember the bill was around $500? :P

Like my friend says. I should just go work in the zoo. Or the mortuary.