Saturday, April 14, 2012

Well, this past one week had been a mixture of excitement and anger.

The exciting part first. I got to eat lunch with HIM! He's too hot. I should go drown in cold water, lol. And for the entire week, I had fun moments with him. Like bumping into him at the pantry where he gave me a hello hug *blush*, and writing a BYE BYE via Draw Something and showing it to him, hahahaa, I made him laugh on that one.

Anger part? 2 inconsiderate colleagues. Thanks to them, most of our special privileges have been taken away. And the irritating part? They don't feel guilty about it. Grrr.

Oh well, I'm trying to look for another job, so I shouldn't care so much.

Monday, I have a color coach session! Fun! Can't wait. And Tues I have dinner appt with a lovely couple. Yay, I finally have a life.

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